Today I decided to photograph a little visitor we had on the front of our house this afternoon.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Day 94 - 7/13/07
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Day 93 - 7/12/07
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Day 92 - 7/11/07
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Day 91 - 7/10/07
I decided to post a silly picture of DH & I today. This was taken on Saturday at my cousin's wedding. I had asked my sister to take a picture of us, and it's always hard to get DH to settle down and take a nice picture. We were actually about to kiss - if she'd have snapped a second or two later she'd have gotten us kissing.
We had tried to find someplace with less going on in the background (I didn't want to be in front of the window) but it was a very small room and there really was no other option.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Day 90 - 7/9/07
Plus it was quite hot and humid and the paint never fully dried, so every time she touched her face it smeared a little. Top that off with her getting upset enough to cry a few times, and by the time we left this butterfly wasn't nearly so fancy.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Day 89 - 7/8/07
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Day 88 - 7/7/07
Friday, July 6, 2007
Day 87 - 7/6/07
Below: closer view of the fabric used for the dress.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Day 83 - 7/2/07
I had been wanting to cut my hair for a while and today I did it. I waited longer than I usually would have after making such a decision, because my SIL had requested that I have long hair for her wedding. She wanted all of us girls to be able to have updos for the wedding.
I'm donating the braid to Locks of Love.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Day 81 - 6/30/07
Friday, June 29, 2007
Day 80 - 6/29/07
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Day 76 - 6/25/07
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Day 75 - 6/24/07
My mum's aunt & uncle celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this year. Their anniversary was June 15. The celebration was today.
Not only is Black & White one of the themes for this week, I wanted a few in B&W for the vintage feel of it - all of their wedding photos are in B&W.
This is Uncle Gary & Aunt Kittie, right before they began cutting the cake.
Black and White,
weekly challenge
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Day 74 - 6/23/07
This is a field of barley. It is very close to being ready to harvest. Since barley hops are used to brew beer, he's not all that far off in his statement.
We pass this field nearly every day on our way to and from town. This year it is going to be ready much earlier than it usually would be, because we have had a hot, dry spring.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Day 71 - 6/20/07
Here's what this automatic setting amounts to:
-0.7 EV, ISO 64, F4.0, and something I'm not sure of at 500 (shutter speed, maybe?).
I really need to pull out my camera manual and find out what that setting is.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Day 70 - 6/19/07
I did get one little bitty splash though. Yay for my little bitty splash.
I don't remember if I used an automatic camera setting for this one or not, but here are the stats:
-0.7 EV, ISO 64, F4.0, unknown setting 250.
Chances are good I was in my beach setting, since the EV, ISO, and F are all the same as my other beach photos.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Day 69 - 6/18/07
I think she has said that Goliath is a Siberian Husky, but he looks more like an Alaskan Malamute to me. For one thing, he's got 2 brown eyes, and most Huskies have 2 blue eyes - it's rare for a Husky to have 2 brown eyes, although one brown and one blue are fairly common. For another, he's bigger than your average Husky, and Mals are often mistaken for large Huskies.
But, since Goliath is Laura's dog, I'll take her word for it that he's a Husky.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Day 68 - 6/17/07
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Day 67 - 6/16/07
One of the hazards of being in a wedding is that you don't get to take any photos during the wedding or the festivities afterwards.
It was, however, taken with my camera, by DH's aunt. She did very well considering that I had to show her how to turn the camera on, focus, and snap the photos.
When I told her to just shoot in auto mode, she looked at me like I had suddenly sprouted an extra head. So I made sure the camera was set on auto and showed her what button to push, then told her she was all set. At that point I looked up and realized that I was about to be late for my entrance, so I grabbed my bouquet and made a run for it!
guest photographer,
Lighthouse Park,
me in photo,
Friday, June 15, 2007
Day 66 - 6/15/07
These were the children in the wedding. For reasons unknown to me, Austin (the older boy) was called a "Junior Groomsman" although IMO he is much too young (5 years old) for that designation. The other two kids are both two years old, and they were the Ring Bearer (Jake) and Flower Girl (Kayden).
I wonder if they thought it would be odd to have two ring bearers and only one flower girl?
I didn't think to ask.
Here's another as they passed by me. For the rehearsal, I was able to carry my camera with me. I get a kick out of the fact that it looks as if Jake has completely disappeared, although you can just see his little bare feet and even though it looks as if Austin is swinging a free hand, that is actually Jake's hand and arm. Austin did an excellent job of holding both of their hands until he was told to let go.
Both of the little ones did much better at the rehearsal than they did at the ceremony, but that's to be expected when they're that young.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Day 65 - 6/14/07
For this one I was playing with the different manual settings on my camera, seeing what I could get to come out. I actually think I did pretty well.
This little cutie is named Hailey.
I took this is A mode (aperture priority), which is my current favorite mode to use. The other settings were ISO 64, F6.3, -1.7EV. No flash, and something is set at 640 but I can't quite figure out what that might be (sorry, I can fiddle with it and set it to look pretty, but I can't tell you what all of my functions are!)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Day 61 - 6/10/07
Emil graduated from high school on June 3. On June 21, he will head off to Missouri to enter Basic Training for the Army. After Basic Training, he will have another year or so of training for his specialty: Combat Medic.
We are all very proud of him - our family has a long military history and we are proud to have it continue. That doesn't stop us from worrying about him - there is a war on, after all.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Day 53 - 6/2/07
The lighting on this one is a little weird because I took it with no flash. I didn't want to use the flash or turn on any additional lights because I didn't want to wake her up. The more I look at it though, the more I like it because it has something of a dreamy look to it.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Day 52 - 6/1/07
According to my favorite three-year-old, keychain flashlights are so cool that they can lock and unlock cars. She loved this light on my keychain (we had to stop her from shining it towards people because she inevitably hit others in the eye with the light) and every time we went out to get in the car, she wanted to hold the keys to unlock it, and she always did it with this pink flashlight. Then, when we got out of the car, she had to lock it, again with the flashlight. Her thought was that the light had to come on to make it work, since our car doesn't beep like hers does.
(Truth be told, we don't lock that car, which is why she never realized that she wasn't really unlocking or locking it)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Day 51 - 5/31/07
Friday, May 25, 2007
Day 45 - 5/25/07
I took this one of a bird (maybe a female Blue Jay?) that was sitting on our cable wire when I came home from work. As I got out of the car I heard some cheeping chatter, and I looked up to see her sitting there. I went into the house and got my camera, and was pleasantly surprised to see her still there when I came back to the door. Not willing to push my luck, I took this through the door. As I was trying to set up for a second shot, she flew away - it's almost as if she was saying, "One's enough!"
Monday, May 21, 2007
Day 41- 5/21/07
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Day 40 - 5/20/07
The sad thing is, I had it completely finished except for the feet and the personalization before the baby was born - it's taken me this long to get the feet on it because I suddenly got very busy in April & May!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Day 37 - 5/17/07
Today it's just my bottle of water. The big deal about it is that I am proud of myself for drinking this instead of soda - a big downfall of mine.
I played around with it a little bit just to make it seem a little more interesting (to myself, anyway).
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Day 36 - 5/16/07
I didn't quite get the shot I wanted for this picture, but I did get one that was still good. To get what I wanted, I would have needed to be working without a flash, but when I turned the flash off the entire thing was too dark. What I really liked about it was when I saw the light from the window coming through the drink, the color was really neat. As it is, my picture is more of condensation than anything else.

It still came out okay, it just wasn't 100% what I wanted it to be. It was hard to focus as well, because I was zooming in so much. I had to focus on the edge of the glass to get the entire thing to sharpen up.
It still came out okay, it just wasn't 100% what I wanted it to be. It was hard to focus as well, because I was zooming in so much. I had to focus on the edge of the glass to get the entire thing to sharpen up.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Day 35 - 5/15/07
Monday, May 14, 2007
Day 34 - 5/14/07

There is a new minor league team in the next town over. This is their first season in town, and today we went to our first game there. We had a really good time. We commented that it's possible that the minor league games are more fun to attend than the major league games, because there is a lot more action and a lot more to notice and pay attention to. Plus, it gives us a chance to speculate on who will move on and who will probably stay at this level.
Sadly, our team lost 4-5.
Today's photos were taken before the game, while they were watering the dirt to keep the dust down. Aside from cropping, these are all SOOC.
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