Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 95 - 7/14/07

Today I decided to photograph a little visitor we had on the front of our house this afternoon.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Day 94 - 7/13/07

Back to frustration with DOF for me!! I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, and I can't find my camera manual to look for ways to adjust anything else. banghead banghead

above: -1.7EV, F8.0, ISO 200

above: -2.0EV, F5.0, ISO 200

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 93 - 7/12/07

I think I might have figured out part of my DOF problem. The auto-focus on the camera was set on "metering" - whatever that means. I switched it to "spot" and was able to get these two shots.

Settings for above photo: 0EV, F3.7, ISO 200

Settings for above photo: 0EV, F8.0, ISO 200

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Day 92 - 7/11/07

All of these were taken within 15 minutes of each other. I am posting them in the order the pictures were taken, and they are all SOOC.

There was a storm front moving through last night and these clouds were just amazing - to me at least.

I love clouds, so I am always glad when there are neat cloud formations to photograph.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 91 - 7/10/07

Giving up on DOF for today. Just way too frustrated with it at the moment.

I decided to post a silly picture of DH & I today. This was taken on Saturday at my cousin's wedding. I had asked my sister to take a picture of us, and it's always hard to get DH to settle down and take a nice picture. We were actually about to kiss - if she'd have snapped a second or two later she'd have gotten us kissing.

We had tried to find someplace with less going on in the background (I didn't want to be in front of the window) but it was a very small room and there really was no other option.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Day 90 - 7/9/07

We went to a baseball game yesterday as part of my sister's birthday. One of the first things that Haleigh wanted to do was get her face painted. So her dad took her to have it done. The artist did a great job, but I am always amazed when I see face paint so close to a child's eyes.

Plus it was quite hot and humid and the paint never fully dried, so every time she touched her face it smeared a little. Top that off with her getting upset enough to cry a few times, and by the time we left this butterfly wasn't nearly so fancy.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Day 89 - 7/8/07

Birthday candles - yum!

It was my sister's 26th birthday today. We had a very full, busy day. After all of that, we went back to the house for cake and ice cream. After the candles are blown out, they have to be licked clean of frosting!

Haleigh was only too happy to help.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Day 88 - 7/7/07

One of my cousins got married today. There are always a ton of photos to take at a wedding, and unless the conditions are perfect, it's hard to get a great photo.

This one is a little blurry, but the lighting made it very difficult to get one that WASN'T blurry during the ceremony.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Day 87 - 7/6/07

I made this baseball dress for Haleigh to wear to games. It's very cute, if I do say so myself. The bloomers are made out of two bandanas, and actually only the ruffles are visible when she wears the outfit. I just wanted them to show for the picture, so I pinned them to the dress kinda low.

Below: closer view of the fabric used for the dress.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Day 83 - 7/2/07

Here's what I did today: I cut my hair!

I had been wanting to cut my hair for a while and today I did it. I waited longer than I usually would have after making such a decision, because my SIL had requested that I have long hair for her wedding. She wanted all of us girls to be able to have updos for the wedding.

I'm donating the braid to Locks of Love.