I woke up this afternoon to a thunderstorm. I never checked it myself but DH tells me that we had pretty much the only storm in the state - it was a few miles wide and just slowly making its way across Michigan.
This first one shows our driveway being pelted by hard rain.
Second photo: clouds over the house - can you see the sun trying to come out? (upper right corner)
Third photo: It's hailing in this one - hard to tell that it's hail but I like that you can actually see something falling! You can also see the rain and hail bouncing off the road. The blotchy-blurry effect is caused by taking the photo through the storm window of our screen door, which was wet with rain.
That is so neat -- you can totally see the rain drops splashing on teh ground!
I love the driveway pic. I love the contrast of the brown and green. Great idea and great shot.
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