Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Day 70 - 6/19/07

The water was splashing in really interesting patterns when I decided to take the photo, but by the time I actually took it, the water had settled down and was just sort of rolling around the rocks.

I did get one little bitty splash though. Yay for my little bitty splash.

I don't remember if I used an automatic camera setting for this one or not, but here are the stats:
-0.7 EV, ISO 64, F4.0, unknown setting 250.
Chances are good I was in my beach setting, since the EV, ISO, and F are all the same as my other beach photos.


Mindy's365 said...

This one is pretty! It's funny how the simple things can come out nice!

Stacy said...

How nice!

Maggie said...

Love it. :)

Holly said...

I REALLY like this one! Super job.