Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 14 - 4/24/07

I came up with this one as I looked back at the window to make sure the blinds hadn't sagged. It's a long set of binds and they tend to sag, but I didn't want them resting on the leaves. I looked and realized that my view from inside the house was a great silhouette of the plant.

This is my African Violet, and I am very proud of it. Usually when I get one of these it just dies off - no matter what I do. This one has not only lived, it has thrived. It even re-grew some flowers at one point (although right now it's in a "no flowers" phase). I tend to be a plant killer - unintentionally, but it's still true. I do well for a while but then they just die off on me. This one has been going strong for almost a year now. My only higher record is a Christmas Cactus I was given as a Christmas gift one year - that one is over a year old and still alive. Yay for me and my two living plants.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Great interpretation of the challenge!